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Unconstitutional solitude :solitary confinement and the US Constitution's evolving standards of decency

Eastaugh, Charlie

Unconstitutional solitude :solitary confinement and the US Constitution's evolving standards of decency 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
개인저자Eastaugh, Charlie, author.
서명/저자사항Unconstitutional solitude :solitary confinement and the US Constitution's evolving standards of decency :Charlie Eastaugh.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Eastaugh, Charlie. Unconstitutional Solitude : Solitary Confinement and the US Constitution's Evolving Standards of Decency. Cham : Springer International Publishing, Ã2017, 9783319617343

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Chapter 1. The Hidden Corner of the Prison -- Chapter 2. An Adjudicative Framework: Morality and the Punishments Clause -- Chapter 3. The Eighth Amendment's Evolution -- Chapter 4. National Consensus by State Counting -- Chapter 5. Proportionate Penology -- Chapter 6. Transnational Law -- Chapter 7. Professional Consensus.
요약This book examines American solitary confinement - in which around 100,000 prisoners are held at any one time - and argues that under a moral reading of individual rights such punishment is not only a matter of public interest, but requires close constitutional scrutiny. While Eighth Amendment precedent has otherwise experienced a generational fixation on the death penalty, this book argues that such scrutiny must be extended to the hidden corners of the US prison system. Despite significant reforms to capital sentencing by the executive and legislative branches, Eastaugh shows how the American prison system as a whole has escaped meaningful judicial oversight. Drawing on a wide range of socio-political contexts in order to breathe meaning into the moral principles underlying the punishments clause, the study includes an extensive review of professional (medico-legal) consensus and comparative transnational human rights standards united against prolonged solitary confinement. Ultimately, Eastaugh argues that this practice is unconstitutional. An informed and empowering text, this book will be of particular interest to scholars of law, punishment, and the criminal justice system.--
해제Provided by publisher.
일반주제명Solitary confinement -- United States.
Imprisonment -- United States.
Solitary confinement.
주제명(지명)United States.fast
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