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Eliminating corporal punishment :

Council of Europe

Eliminating corporal punishment : 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
단체저자명Council of Europe.
서명/저자사항Eliminating corporal punishment :a human rights imperative for Europe's children.
발행사항Strasbourg :Council of Europe Pub,c2005.
형태사항220p ;25cm.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references (p. 219-220).
일반주제명Corporal punishment of children -- Europe
Children's rights -- Europe
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  • 청구기호 프린터 선택
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1 WP1389 323.352094 E42c 인권도서관/인권도서관/ 대출가능

목차 일부

Foreword = 11
Executive Summary = 15

Chapter 1. Human rights obligations to end all corporal punishment of children = 19

Introduction = 19
European Convention on Human Rights: developing case-...

목차 전체

Foreword = 11
Executive Summary = 15

Chapter 1. Human rights obligations to end all corporal punishment of children = 19

Introduction = 19
European Convention on Human Rights: developing case-law = 21
Judicial corporal punishment of children = 22
School corporal punishment = 23
Parental corporal punishment = 24
Abolition upholds children’s rights and does not breach family or religious rights = 25
European Committee of Social Rights: general observation and conclusions on conformity with the European Social Charter = 26
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: Recommendations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child = 35
Other international instruments: human rights treaty bodies = 41
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: the Human Rights Committee = 41
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights = 41
Convention against Torture: the Committee against Torture = 43

Chapter 2. Progress towards ending corporal punishment across the Council of Europe member states = 45
Background to abolition = 45
Fourteen member states with explicit abolition of all corporal punishment = 49
Progress towards abolition in other European states = 58

Chapter 3. Making corporal punishment of children visible = 59
Research into the prevalence of corporal punishment in the family = 61
Researching children’s views and experiences = 67

Chapter 4. Eliminating corporal punishment of children: the process = 75
Law reform to abolish all corporal punishment = 75
Enforcing abolition of corporal punishment = 77
Awareness-raising and public education = 78
The European Network of Ombudspeople for Children (ENOC) = 79
Awareness-raising and ways of promoting the prohibition of all corporal punishment = 81
Supporting parents and parenting = 88
Advice, counselling and advocacy services for children = 89
Integrating ending corporal punishment into strategies to challenge = 89
domestic or family violence = 89
Monitoring the effectiveness of protection = 90

I. The legal status of corporal punishment in member states: state-by-state analysis = 93
II. Committee on the Rights of the Child’s recommendations = 171
III. Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1666 (2004) “Europe-wide ban on corporal punishment of children” = 205
III. Reply adopted by the Committee of Ministers to the Parliamentary - Assembly Recommendation 1666 (2004) “Europe-wide ban on corporal punishment of children” = 209

Bibliography = 219
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*주제와 무관한 내용의 서평은 삭제될 수 있습니다.


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