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Building six-party capacity for a WMD-free Korea/

Schoff, James L

Building six-party capacity for a WMD-free Korea/ 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
개인저자Schoff, James L.
Perry, Charles M.
Davis, Jacquelyn K.
서명/저자사항Building six-party capacity for a WMD-free Korea:James L. Schoff, Charles M. Perry, Jacquelyn K. Davis.
발행사항Dulles, VA :Brassey's, Inc,2004.
형태사항xx, 93, A1-A19 p. :map ;25cm.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Illustrations = v Preface = vii Summary of Project Findings and Recommendations = xiii Chapter One Confirming the Destination = 1 Chapter Two Obstacles and Landmines on the Road to a WMD-free Korea = 10 1 Chapter Three North Korea's WMD in a Global Context = 19~ Nuclear Capabitities in North Korea and a Changing Nonproliferation Regime = 22 Curtailing Nuclear Hedging = 29 Fuel Cycle Internationalization = 36 Strengthening IAEA inspection Power and Accountability = 38 ~ Chapter Four Building Six-Party Capacity = 48 Organizational Approaches = 49 Security Assurances = 55 Economic Assistance and Engagement = 60 Monitoring, Verification, and Technicat Issues = 69 Toward a Regional Verification System = 73 Chapter five A Work Plan for Capacity Building = 81 DPRK Involvement = 82 Technical Subcommittees = 84 Seizing the Opportunity = 90 Appendix A Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons Al Appendix B North-South Joint Agreement on Reconciliation, Nonaggression, and Cooperation and Exchange = A9 Appendix C A13 Joint Declaration of the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula = A13 Appendix D Abbreviations and Acronyms = A15 About the Authors and the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis = A17.
North Korea Human Rights
Diplomatic negotiations in international disputes.
Weapons of mass destruction -- Korea (North)
Nuclear nonproliferation -- Korea (North)
Nuclear disarmament -- Korea (North)
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Illustrations = v  Preface = vii  Summary of Project Findings and Recommendations = xiii  Chapter One Confirming the Destination = 1  Chapter Two Obstacles and Landmines on the Road to a WMD-free Kore...

목차 전체

Illustrations = v  Preface = vii  Summary of Project Findings and Recommendations = xiii  Chapter One Confirming the Destination = 1  Chapter Two Obstacles and Landmines on the Road to a WMD-free Korea = 10 1  Chapter Three North Korea's WMD in a Global Context = 19~  Nuclear Capabitities in North Korea and a Changing Nonproliferation Regime = 22  Curtailing Nuclear Hedging = 29   Fuel Cycle Internationalization = 36  Strengthening IAEA inspection Power and Accountability = 38 ~ Chapter Four Building Six-Party Capacity = 48  Organizational Approaches = 49  Security Assurances = 55  Economic Assistance and Engagement = 60  Monitoring, Verification, and Technicat Issues = 69  Toward a Regional Verification System = 73  Chapter five A Work Plan for Capacity Building = 81 DPRK Involvement = 82 Technical Subcommittees = 84 Seizing the Opportunity = 90 Appendix A Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons Al Appendix B North-South Joint Agreement on Reconciliation, Nonaggression, and Cooperation and Exchange = A9 Appendix C A13 Joint Declaration of the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula = A13 Appendix D Abbreviations and Acronyms = A15 About the Authors and the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis = A17.
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