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Ageing and the labour market :

Emanuel, Han

Ageing and the labour market  : 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
개인저자Emanuel, Han.
단체저자명Foundation for International Studies on Social Security.
서명/저자사항Ageing and the labour market :issues and solutions. or are there?:edited by Han Emanuel.
발행사항Antwerpen;Oxford :Intersentia,c2006.
형태사항vii, 205p :ill. ;25cm.
총서사항International series on social security;v. 12
9789050955652 (hardcover)
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
일반주제명Age distribution (Demography) -- Economic aspects
Aging -- Economic aspects
Labor market
서비스 이용안내
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1 WM3414 331.1143 A265e 인권도서관/인권도서관/ 대출가능
2 WM3415 331.1143 A265e c.2 인권도서관/인권도서관/ 대출가능

목차 일부

1 Increasing Employment among Older Workers: Social Security Reform
in OECD Countries - A Surve and Assessment
PEIFR WHITEFORD .. .. ......                                    11
2 Continued Work or...

목차 전체

1 Increasing Employment among Older Workers: Social Security Reform
in OECD Countries - A Surve and Assessment
PEIFR WHITEFORD .. .. ......                                    11
2 Continued Work or Retirement? Preferred Exit Age in Western
European Countries
lANGRID  ESS  R  ..... ..... .......................... ...... ... . 43
SExit from the Labour Force - An Institutional Perspective
IDW ARD  PA LM ER  .. ........... .................SI............. .  8
SFinancial Incentives for Early Retirement. Demand and Supply Effects
PiILIPPE DEHEi, PHILIP D  C AU and YVES SAKS ......... .....    99
5 New Initiatives to Privatise Social Security in the Netherlands
EDW IN _ .4  DE  V OS  .................................................  t21
La  NI  DL>                                                    121
Part 2 Other Approaches
6 Immigration Trends, Changes in Retirement Ages and the Future
f Social Security
ROBERT   LI CL  .  .   ..  . .    ... .    . . .....     . ...  ..  139
7 Can Poic Influence Fertility?
]JON ATHAN BRAiDSHrW  and NAOMI FINC  ............................  151
8 Recent Changes of Welfare Programmes in an Era of Population Ageing,
with Special References to the Cases of Korea and Taiwan
iN YOUNG MOON .....                                            169
9 Population Ageing and Health Care Expenditure: New Evidence on the
'Red Herring'
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