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Rural progress, rural decay :

North, Liisa

Rural progress, rural decay  : 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
개인저자North, Liisa.
Cameron, John D, 1969-
서명/저자사항Rural progress, rural decay :neoliberal adjustment policies and local initiatives:edited by Liisa L. North and John D. Cameron.
발행사항Bloomfield, CT :Kumarian Press,2003.
형태사항xv, 268p ;23cm.
ISBN156549170X (pbk. : alk. paper)
1565491718 (hardcover : alk. paper)
서지주기Includes bibliographical references (p. 227-248) and index.
일반주제명Rural development -- Ecuador
Structural adjustment (Economic policy) -- Ecuador
Non-governmental organizations -- Ecuador
Rural development -- Latin America
Structural adjustment (Economic policy) -- Latin America
Non-governmental organizations -- Latin America
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No. 등록번호 청구기호 소장처 도서상태 반납예정일 예약 서비스
1 WM4128 307.141209866 R948n 인권도서관/인권도서관/ 대출가능

목차 일부

1 Rural Progress or Rural Decay?  
An Overview of the Issues and the Case Studies = 1  
Part I Theoretical Perspectives  
 2 Problems of Contemporary Development 

목차 전체

1 Rural Progress or Rural Decay?  
An Overview of the Issues and the Case Studies = 1  
Part I Theoretical Perspectives  
 2 Problems of Contemporary Development 
Neoliberalism and Its Consequences = 25  
3 Exploring the Links Among Global Trade, Industrial Agriculture, and Rural Underdevelopment = 46  
Part II Policy Choices, Policy Impacts: Ecuador in Comparative Perspective  
 4 Agriculture and Rural Development 
A Critique of Establishmentarian Policies in Ecuador = 69  
 5 Endogenous Peasant Responses to Structural Adjustment 
Ecuador in Comparative Andean Perspective = 85  
6 Rural Land Conflicts and Human Rights Violations in Ecuador = 106  
Part III Case Studies from the Ecuadorian Highlands  
 7 Agrarian Capitalism and Communal Institutional Spaces 
Chimborazo After the Land Reform = 127  
 8 The Contradictions of Rural Development NGOs 
The Trajectory of the FEPP in Chimborazo = 143  
9 Municipal Democratization and Rural Development in Highland Ecuador = 164  
 10 Externally Induced Rural Diversification 
The Communitarian Experience of Salinas = 187  
 11 Endogenous Rural Diversification 
Family Textile Enterprises in Pelileo, Tungurahua = 207  
Bibliography = 227  
About the Contributors = 249  
Index  253
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