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Underpayment :

Asian Migrant Centre

Underpayment : 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
단체저자명Asian Migrant Centre.
서명/저자사항Underpayment :Systematic Extortion of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong:Asian Migrant Centre.
발행사항Kowloon, Hong Kong :Asian Migrant Centre,2005.
형태사항67 p. ;27 cm.
일반주기This extensive study concludes that underpayment is the most serious problem among Indonesian migrants in Hong Kong
Indonesian Research Team (FOBMI, Jarnas Pekabumi, Migrant CARE, KOPBUMI, SPM), Hong Kong Research Team(AMC, IMWU, KOTKIHO), Supported by OXFAM-HK
비통제주제어Migration,Labor Migration
서비스 이용안내
  • 택배대출 신청
  • 청구기호 프린터 선택
등록번호, 소장위치, 도서상태 등으로 구성된 소장도서의 목록
No. 등록번호 청구기호 소장처 도서상태 반납예정일 예약 서비스
1 WP1116 331.62 A832u 인권도서관/인권도서관/ 대출가능

목차 일부

Abstract = 1
Chapter 1 : Background = 4
  1.1 General Situation
  1.2. Feminization of Migration
  1.3. Domestic Workers
  1.4. Overview of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong
  1.5 Hong Kon...

목차 전체

Abstract = 1
Chapter 1 : Background = 4
  1.1 General Situation
  1.2. Feminization of Migration
  1.3. Domestic Workers
  1.4. Overview of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong
  1.5 Hong Kong Migration Regulations
  1.6 Indonesian Migration Regulations
Chapter 2 : Research Methodology = 13
  2.1 HKDW Baseline Survey
  2.2. HK-I Research
  2.3 HK-I Research Site Profiles
Chapter 3 : Profile of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong = 19
  3.1 Demographic Profile of Survey Respondents
  3.2 Driving Forces Behind Indonesian Migrant Workers Migration to Hong Kong
Chapter 4 : Recruitment and Predeparture Issues = 22
  4.1 Process and Problems in Pre-Departure Stage
  4.2. Lack of Information
  4.3 Brokers (Calos)
  4.4 Faking of Personal Information
  4.5 Training Camps
  4.6 Pre-Departure Training
  4.7 Letter of Promise and Other Deployment Documents
  4.8 Indonesia Competency Test Body (CTB)
Chapter 5 : Issues in the Workplace = 33
  5.1. Employment Contract
  5.2. Rest Day, Time Limits and Types of Works
  5.3. Communication Problems
  5.4. Verbal, Physical and Sexual Abuse
  5.5. Religious Freedom
  5.6. Underpayment and Excessive Agency Fees
  5.7 Savings and Remittances
  5.8. Termination of the Contract
  5.9. Contract Renewal
  5.10 Insurance
  5.11 Second Contract
Chapter 6 : After Employment = 47
  6.1 Repatriation
  6.2 Recurring Migration
Chapter 7 : Protection Agenda = 50
  7.1 Indonesian Central Government
  7.2 Indonesian Local Government
  7.3 Hong Kong SAR Government
  7.4 Bilateral Agreements
  7.5 International Protection Standards
  7.6 NGOs and Trade Unions
Chapter 8 : Conclusion = 57
Chapter 9 : Recommendations = 58
  9.1 Indonesian Government
  9.2 Hong Kong Government
  9.3 Intergovernmental Organizations
  9.4 NGOs and Unions
Glossary of Acronyms = 62
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*주제와 무관한 내용의 서평은 삭제될 수 있습니다.


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