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Administration of Justice and Promotion of International Coorperation and Solidarity in the Field of Human Rights

Danish Institute for Human rights

Administration of Justice and Promotion of International Coorperation and Solidarity in the Field of Human Rights 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
단체저자명Danish Institute for Human rights.
서명/저자사항Administration of Justice and Promotion of International Coorperation and Solidarity in the Field of Human Rights.
발행사항Copenhagen :Danish Institute for Human rights,2004.
형태사항57, 44p. ;24 cm.
총서사항EU-IRAN Human Rights Dialogue;4
일반주기Collected papers from the fourth roundtable under the EU-IRAN Human Rights Dialogue Tehran, 14-15 June 2004
비통제주제어Human rights,Police,Prison conditions
서비스 이용안내
  • 택배대출 신청
  • 청구기호 프린터 선택
등록번호, 소장위치, 도서상태 등으로 구성된 소장도서의 목록
No. 등록번호 청구기호 소장처 도서상태 반납예정일 예약 서비스
1 WP1330 NH 323.4 A238d 인권도서관/인권도서관/ 대출가능

목차 일부

Policing and Human rights Northern Ireland : A Case-Study = 1
Human rights in Prison = 7
Collective International Responsibility in the Full Realization of Human rights Through International Coopera...

목차 전체

Policing and Human rights Northern Ireland : A Case-Study = 1
Human rights in Prison = 7
Collective International Responsibility in the Full Realization of Human rights Through International Cooperation The UN Mechanisms and Regional Systems State Reporting to UN Bodies : Experience in Germany = 21
The Role of International Solidarity in the Realization of Human rights, Including Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Lithuanian Experience: The International Human rights Action Plan = 31
The Role and Responsibility of International Institutions, Including Tans-National Corporations and Financial/Monetary Institutions, in the Realization of Human rights = 39
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*주제와 무관한 내용의 서평은 삭제될 수 있습니다.


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