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The Consolidated asylum and migration acquis :

Krieken, Peter J. van

The Consolidated asylum and migration acquis  : 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
개인저자Krieken, Peter J. van
서명/저자사항The Consolidated asylum and migration acquis :the EU directives in an expanded Europe:compiled and introduced by Peter J. van Krieken.
발행사항The Hague :TMC Asser Press,2004.
형태사항xi, 346p ;25cm.
내용주기Part 1 Asylum - Chapter 1.1 Dublin criteria - Chapter 1.2 Dublin detailed rules - Chapter 1.3 Reception - Chapter 1.4 Procedures - Chapter 1.5 Qualification - Chapter 1.6 Temporary protection -- Part 2 Migration - Chapter 2.1 Long-term residents - Chapter 2.2 Employment and self-employment(proposal) - Chapter 2.3 Students & Volunteers - Chapter 2.4 Victims of trafficking - Chapter 2.5 Family Reunification - Chapter 2.6 Social security - Chapter 2.7 Mutual recognition on expulsion -- Part 3 Miscellaneous - Chapter 3.1 Other relevant instruments - Chapter 3.2 Definitions - Chapter 3.3 The 2004 EU constitution - Chapter 3.4 Index
일반주제명Emigration and immigration--Government policy--European Union countries
Emigration and immigration law--European Union countries
Asylum, Right of--European Union countries
Refugees--Legal status, laws, etc--European Unioncountries
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